As awards go, this is a fairly niche title to hold. But being Britain’s Best Courier Company To Work For is probably a more important title than many transport companies might realise.
Have you ever heard a celebrity use the line “This award means more because it’s voted for BY THE PEOPLE”? Well this is what we’ve done here.
From December 2022 to January 2023 we ran a survey to ask our websites’ visitors opinions on who they actually rated as being good companies to work for.
The reason for this is that we thought it was time to praise the good operators in the industry.
Owner-drivers are often overlooked and treated like they’re ’10-a-penny’, and there are plenty of larger courier services that will pay terrible rates, along with paying invoices either late – or sometimes not at all.
By highlighting the companies that ARE worth driving for, we’re hoping it will encourage more drivers to know their worth. It’s time to ditch the bad payers, and block the obnoxious attitudes of transport offices that just think you don’t deserve better.
So without further delay, here’s our summary of results from this survey.
Survey Results and Data Clarification
Firstly, something we need to make clear; these results are NOT audited. We have left this entirely down to the drivers to be honest and we have not done any verification.
This means that there is a chance people have just made fake entries. Future surveys will be more tightly controlled IF we have the time/funds to put more rigorous controls in place. But for this year, we’re just going to give all our visitors the benefit of the doubt and believe in the goodness of people.
The Winners
There were less than 100 surveys completed in total.
Out of the surveys, Speedy Freight came out as the clear winners, with 18% of the total vote.
Drivers rated them highly on all categories;
Rates of Pay, Time to Pay, Amount of Work and Communication.
It’s our guess that, due to it’s franchise system, Speedy Freights coverage of the UK and the fact it has it’s own userbase along with CX users driving for them that so many people have voted for them
The Best of the Rest
There were no clear second-place finishers.
A group of companies including Quickline, HBC, CitySprint, Speedel and more all finished with approximately 7% of the vote.
Out of these almost all were highly rated for quick payments and communication.
They typically lost ratings slightly (rated GOOD instead of EXCELLENT) on either rates of pay and level of work available (or both).
There were a number of companies that received a single vote and that we hadn’t heard of before:- we’re going to take a wild guess and say that these may have been people voting for their own business.
Which is weird because we weren’t actually offering a prize to the winning company, so it really didn’t seem like that was worth it.
There was one prize to hand out – we gave a £25 Amazon gift voucher to Danny M. of Wakefield, whose email was drawn at random from the list of completed surveys.
If you want the chance to win future prizes, then make sure to register for our newsletter to be notified of when our next surveys are run.