Ever struggled to find an address? DALUS is the most comprehensive solution to that all too common problem.
The DALUS App is a unique solution to Address Location that will benefit any driver or business relying on drivers delivering goods, services or people to UK addresses. We’ve all experienced the satnav saying “you’ve reached your destination” yet you’re looking at a field or a dozen properties and you’re not sure which one it is.
DALUS takes the guesswork out.
It has the precise GPS co-ordinates attached to over 34 million UK properties including named properties, farms and holiday homes.
Users then have the ability to add information to the base record, including a picture of the property or access point, icons to alert other to any hazards etc. and notes. It is this community information sharing that makes the App unique.
Not only does it save wasting time and eliminates the risk of failed delivery, it helps keep drivers safe and reduces stress. It will also reduce wasted fuel and unnecessary emissions.
Why use DALUS?
- Accuracy: GPS Co-ordinates that can be used in any satnav to the rooftop of over 34 million UK addresses. Our default is to automatically transfer the co-ordinates to Google Maps
- Efficiency: Gain more time by not wasting it looking for addresses. Eliminate the need for customers to give you directions or location details
- Safety: Information sharing helps reduce accidental vehicle and property damage and Health & Safety icons help keep our users safe too